Once formerly ithebigc's Blog for Sakura translations, this has become Translate48, a blog that intends to aggregate all translation related work related to the 48 and 46 Groups to become a one stop source if you need your idol posts in English. If you translate anything, please consider contributing here to reach a wider audience!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Tanaka Miku Google+ / May 23, 2014, 8:54 pm (JST)

Konbanmikurin (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

It's Tanaka Miku.

Today's dinner was meat sauce~.

美久は、ミートソースとナポリタン?の違いが分かり ません(>人<;)
Miku doesn't actually know the difference between meat sauce and...neapolitan? (>人<;)

Only that it's pasta....

基本的に、クリーム系が好きです。 カルボナーラとか。
Basically, I like creamy sauces. Like carbonara.

でも、横文字?カタカナはよく間違えます。 ピスタチオをタスピチアと読んだり、、、(´・_・`)
But, I often get katakana based on Western languages? wrong. Like reading pistachio as tasupicha....(´・_・`)

美久の中では理解してるんですけど、言葉をよくしり ません。
I know that it's food inside Miku, but I usually don't know the names.

中学生になったんだし、しっかりしなきゃ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
I only just entered middle school, so it can't be helped ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

よく、みなさんにしっかりしてるねといわれますが、 天然とゆーかおバカちゃんみたいです。家族が言うに は。
Everyone always says that I should learn them properly, but I'm an airhead like idiot Yuuka-chan. Or so my family says.

Miku is like this, but please watch over me!

Mikurinmon (・ω・)ノ

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