Once formerly ithebigc's Blog for Sakura translations, this has become Translate48, a blog that intends to aggregate all translation related work related to the 48 and 46 Groups to become a one stop source if you need your idol posts in English. If you translate anything, please consider contributing here to reach a wider audience!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

NANA☆ Heartpoundingly Adorable

Originally Posted by Yamada Nana on 2012-09-16 08:15:54

Good afternoon Photobucket Photobucket
It's Yamada Nana, nickname Nanatan

Yesterday there was a handshake event at Makuhari Messe Photobucket


It gives a retro feeling, I hope Photobucket?
But I messed up on my own clothing a bit yesterday ( ノД`)

or that's what I thought, but everyone was kind and praised it, saying
"It's completely cute, Photobucket"
so I felt better. Photobucket Photobucket Haha

Incidentally, today in a similar way I also messed up my combination...Photobucket

but since I've been away from home for a while I couldn't change it...  Photobucket
(Translator's Note: Here Nana uses "renpaku" which is short for "renzoku shukuhaku" which basically means sleeping over away from home for a while. Since she's doing handshake events away from Osaka, she only has limited outfits in her suitcase, and so she couldn't change it.)

So right now I'm debating whether to wear the clothing I brought for the handshake event, or just my normal clothing which I didn't really spend time choosing Photobucket Photobucket
Ooh, I don't know ヾ(・o・*)

If it's ok, everyone, please decide for me. Photobucket Photobucket Haha

At any rate, the handshake event finished in the blink of an eye Photobucket

It was really enjoyable Photobucket Photobucket
As expected, since it's the Kantou area, there were a lot of people that watched Geinin! Photobucket Photobucket

How many times was I was called ponkotsu... Photobucket lol

but the stories it brought up were so entertaining Photobucket Photobucket

Since the outfit was retro, I braided my hair Photobucket
How is it?

Each time someone said "cute" I broadly grinned. Photobucket Haha

I'd be happy if a lot of people also came today Photobucket Photobucket

Thank you very much Photobucket
Original Post: http://ameblo.jp/nmb48/entry-11355910061.html

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