Konbanwatanabe (●´mn`)
It's Watanabe Miyuki (。・ω・。)
Today also, good work everyone \(^-^)/
Was it a good day?
I spent the day in a photoshoot
I can't tell you what the the photoshoot was about yet, but because the food from catering was delicious, I ate too much (lol)
It seems fast, but the day after tomorrow is a 2-shot event
Though I just had a handshake event the other day, recently I felt like I haven't had many chances to communicate with fans at handshake events, performances or other events, so I'm really happy to be able to participate this time! (;o;)
Because everyone always encourages me, somehow, not being able to meet is lonely. I don't really understand it, but it gives me the blues (sad, down, etc.) (;_q) Haha
Ah, I want to hurry up and meet
Well, in order to also put in my full energy tomorrow, I'm going to slowly go chapu chapu
Oyasumilky ⌒(。∵。)⌒Pyon♪
Original Post: http://ameblo.jp/nmb48/entry-11348055496.html